Wednesday, December 2, 2009


22 days before Christmas, can you believe it? Days just went passing by and next thing I know, it’s going to be Christmas again! Our house doesn’t have any decorations yet, mom always put them on a bit near the deadline, she likes cramming it kills me. Speaking of Christmas, I’m wrecking my brain right now on whom to put on my gift list. I need to list down names and think of perfect gift for each of them, I already listed down all of my classmates (they’re all love to me, baby) and some of my childhood friends and of course, my whole family. I dunno if my budget for this year would be enough, what the heck? I might just buy cheap gifts; it’s the thought that always counts! LOL!

Also, I’m gonna add new friends on my list this year. One is Amanda, she’s a batch mate in grade school, and we were never friends when we were young but met again when we saw each other at our old school. To make the long story short, we became friends just lately and it surprised us that we were even batch mates. Next would be Sofia, pretty girl, she is. We met on a forum where we randomly talked about elisakit and became hooked about the certain topic. When then exchanged numbers and became instant friends as well. Last would be Rafael, a British friend whom I met on Ebay. He bought one of my items and contacted me, I willingly replied and my response surprised him actually. He was so used of the usual sellers online that just want to talk about business and nothing else. He bought more of my items as we talked on, I was totally grateful, really!
Oh! I would also need to mention this! “SWEET TEMPTATIONS”, my favorite cake shop is currently hiring tasters for their new cakes! I sent my application (just for fun) and I amazingly got accepted! I’m so excited! I would get to taste their cakes…cakes, cakes and more cakes! I already call it heaven, I just hope all the glucose on my bloodstream won’t clog with all that sugar! Cherreols!


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